SILCS-MC: Posing and Scoring Ligands Using FragMaps¶
The power of SILCS lies in the ability to use FragMaps to rapidly evaluate binding of diverse ligands to a target. SILCS-MC is Monte-Carlo (MC) sampling of ligands in translational, rotational, and torsional space in the field of FragMaps. The score of a ligand pose is evaluated as a combination of CGenFF intramolecular energies and the Ligand Grid Free Energy (LGFE), which is the sum of atomic Grid Free Energies (GFEs). Additionally, the Exclusion Map is used to prevent ligand sampling where no probe or water molecules visited during SILCS simulations. SILCS-MC allows for rapid docking of the ligand while accounting for protein flexibility in a mean-field-like fashion as the ligand affinity and volume exclusion information is embedded in the combination of FragMaps and the Exclusion Map. For more details see [5].
Two SILCS-MC presets are available, pose generation and pose refinement, as described below. Instructions for developing a custom SILCS-MC protocol are provided in a subsequent section.
Pose generation¶
Pose generation is exhaustive sampling of a ligand’s conformation in a given pocket to determine its most favorable orientation and internal geometry as defined by LGFE scoring. The pocket is predefined as a 10 Å sphere and the center of the pocket is taken as either the center of the supplied ligand molecule coordinates or explicitly given by the user. This protocol entails five independent MC runs with the ligand.
This protocol is recommended for ligands with diverse chemotype and unknown binding poses. When the pose of a parent ligand is known and MC- SILCS evaluations are to be performed over a congeneric series, the pose refinement protocol is recommended instead (see below).
To set up and run SILCS-MC pose generation, create a directory containing all the ligands to be evaluated. Each ligand can be stored as a separate SD or Mol2 file. Alternatively, all the ligands can be combined into a single SD file.
${SILCSBIODIR}/silcs-mc/1_run_silcsmc_exhaustive \
prot=<prot pdb> \
ligdir=<directory containing ligand mol2/sdf> \
mapsdir=<directory containing SILCS FragMaps> \
Either .sdf
, .sd
, or .mol2
files can be placed under ligdir
folder, but SILCS-MC assumes only a single molecule is contained in each
file, and only the first molecule in each file will be processed.
If you have an SDF file with multiple molecules in it, use sdfile=<path to
option instead of ligdir
Pose generation spawns five independent single-core serial jobs per ligand and
typically takes 30-60 minutes for per ligand. Each run involves a maximum of 250
cycles and a minimum of 50 cycles of Monte Carlo/Simulated Annealing (MC/SA)
sampling of the ligand within the defined 10 Å sphere. Each of these 250 cycles
consists of 10,000 steps of MC at a high temperature followed by 40,000 steps of
SA towards a lower temperature. At the beginning of each cycle, the ligand will
be reoriented within the predefined sphere. When no sphere center is defined by
the user, the ligand orientation in the input SD or Mol2 file will be used as
the starting pose for each cycle. The MC sampling has three types of moves: i)
molecular translations with a maximum step size of 1 Å, ii) molecular rotation
with a maximum step size of 180 degrees, and iii) intramolecular dihedral
rotations with a maximum step size of 180 degrees. For intramolecular dihedral
rotations, only the rotatable dihedral angles are selected for MC moves. The
lowest LGFE scoring pose from the MC sampling is used as starting pose in the
following SA sampling. The SA sampling also involves the same three types of
moves, but with a smaller step size compared to the MC sampling: i) molecular
translations with a maximum step size of 0.2 Å, ii) molecular rotation with a
maximum step size of 9 degrees and, iii) intramolecular dihedral rotations with
a maximum step size of 9 degrees. The lowest LGFE scoring pose from the SA is
saved in a multi-frame PDB file: 3_silcsmc/<run>/pdb/<lig>_mc.<run>.pdb
In each run, after a minimum of 50 MC/SA cycles, if the LGFE score difference between the top three poses (defined by lowest LGFE scores) are less than 0.5 kcal/mol, then that run is considered converged and terminated. If the top three scored poses are separated by more 0.5 than kcal/mol, the MC/SA procedure continues either until the convergence criterion is met or until a maximum of 250 MC/SA cycles have been completed.
Pose refinement¶
The pose refinement protocol is designed to limit conformational sampling near the ligand input pose supplied by the user. Pose refinement is appropriate when there is high confidence in the input parent ligand pose and SILCS-MC evaluations are to be performed over a congeneric series. The sphere center for the pocket definition is the center-of-mass from the input ligand pose.
To set up and run SILCS-MC pose refinement, create a directory containing all
the ligands to be evaluated. Each ligand can be stored as a separate .mol2
or .sdf
file. Alternatively, all the ligands can be combined into a single
${SILCSBIODIR}/silcs-mc/1_run_silcsmc_local prot=<prot pdb> \
ligdir=<directory containing ligand mol2/sdf> \
mapsdir=<directory containing SILCS FragMaps>
Either .sdf
, .sd
, or .mol2
files can be placed under ligdir
folder, but SILCS-MC assumes only a single molecule is contained in each
file, and only the first molecule in each file will be processed.
If you have an SDF file with multiple molecules in it, use sdfile=<path to
option instead of ligdir
Pose refinement spawns five independent single-core serial jobs per ligand, and
each run involves a maximum of 10 cycles of MC/SA sampling of the ligand within
a 1 Å sphere. The center of the sphere is defined as the center-of-mass of the
input ligand pose. Each of cycles consists of 100 steps of MC at high
temperature followed by 1000 steps of SA towards a lower temperature. At the
beginning of each cycle, the ligand orientation/conformation will be reset to
the one found in the input file. MC sampling moves are: i) molecular translation
with a maximum step size of 1 Å, ii) molecular rotation with a maximum step size
of 180 degrees, and iii) intramolecular dihedral rotation with a maximum step
size of 180 degrees. For intramolecular dihedral rotation, only the rotatable
dihedral angles are selected for MC moves. The lowest LGFE scoring pose from the
MC sampling is used as starting pose in the following SA sampling. SA sampling
moves are smaller than for the MC phase: i) molecular translation with a maximum
step size of 0.2 Å, ii) molecular rotation with a maximum step size of 9
degrees, iii) intramolecular dihedral rotation with a maximum step size of 9
degrees. The lowest LGFE scoring pose from the SA is saved in the multi-frame
PDB file 3_silcsmc/<run>/pdb/<lig>_mc.<run>.pdb
Best-pose retrieval¶
Once the SILCS-MC simulation is finished, retrieve the LGFE scores for each ligand subjected to SILCS-MC using:
${SILCSBIODIR}/silcs-mc/2_calc_lgfe_min_avg_sd ligdir=<directory containing lig mol2>
If you used sdfile=<path to sdfile>
option in the previous step, use
sdfile=<path to sdfile>
in this step as well, instead of ligdir
An example of the output of this script is:
An alternative to the LGFE score is the ligand efficiency (LE). The LE is calculated as the LGFE score divided by the number of heavy atoms in each ligand.
User-defined protocols¶
In addition to Pose Generation and Pose Refinement, users can define their own
SILCS-MC protocols. To do so, copy
to the location where
you intend to run your custom SILCS-MC protocol. Edit this copy to reflect your
customization; see below for a detailed description of user-definable
parameters. Parameter values in angle brackets in this file, such as
, will be replaced automatically at runtime where possible.
After you have edited params_custom.tmpl
, use the following command to set
up and run SILCS-MC. Each input ligand can be stored as a separate SD or Mol2
file. Alternatively, all input ligands can be combined in a single SD file.
${SILCSBIODIR}/silcs-mc/1_run_silcsmc_custom prot=<prot pdb> \
ligdir=<directory containing ligand sd/mol2> \
mapsdir=<directory containing SILCS FragMaps> \
The number of runs that will be spawned can also modified with the command-line
parameter totruns
${SILCSBIODIR}/silcs-mc/1_run_silcsmc_custom prot=<prot pdb> \
ligdir=<directory containing ligand sd/mol2>
mapsdir=<directory containing SILCS FragMaps>
totruns=<# of runs>
The full list of user-definable parameters for params_custom.tmpl
CGENFF_RULES <cgenff rules_file>
(required)This file is needed by the internal CGenFF library to determine the correct force-field parameters for the ligand. The default value is
CGENFF_PAR <cgenff parameter file>
(required)Along with the CGENFF_RULES file, this file is needed by the internal CGenFF library to determine the correct force-field parameters for the ligand. The default value is
SILCS_RULES <silcs rules file>
(required)This rule file is used to map the different atoms in the ligand to the corresponding SILCS FragMap types. This mapping is used to determine the appropriate “field” that will be applied to the different atoms in the ligand when attempting an MC-move. The default value is
Another variant of this rule file is available at
is used, ligand atoms are assigned using six generic classifications in mapping them back to the FragMaps:APOLAR
, andMAMN
. All the atoms in the ligand fall into one of these six categories.When
is used, ligand atoms are assigned using 13 more specific classifications in mapping them back to FragMaps:BENC
. For instance, aromatic ring carbons and aliphatic linker carbons are distinguished asBENC
, respectively here, while they are grouped asAPOLAR
atoms in the generic rule file.GFE_CAP <default: 3.0>
Maximum unfavorable GFE (kcal/mol) accounted in the MC calculation.
RDIE <default: true>
When true, the distance dependent dielectric (RDIE) scheme is used to treat intramolecular electrostatics. When false, CDIE (constant dielectric scheme) is used.
DIELEC_CONST <default: 4>
Dielectric constant used in the intramolecular electrostatic interactions calculations.
MIN_STEPS <default: 10000>
Maximum number of steps of minimization performed using the steepest-descent algorithm with the ligand, before initiating MC simulation.
EMTOL <default: 0.01>
Minimization is converged when the diff in total energy (totE) across the last 10 steps is smaller than this value. Once this criteria is satisfied minimization terminates.
MC_MOVE_RANGE <default:1.0 180.0 180.0>
.Max range of translation, rigid body rotation and dihedral rotation per step of MC simulation.
MC_PRNT_FRQ <default: 0>
Number of intermediate steps of MC to be written into OUTMCPDBFILE.
MC_STEPS <default: 10000>
Number of steps of MC simulation to be performed per cycle.
SIM_ANNEAL_MOVE_RANGE <default:0.2 9.0 9.0>
Max range of translation, rigid body rotation and dihedral rotation per step of simulated annealing simulation after MC simulation.
SIM_ANNEAL_STEPS <default: 40000>
Number of steps of simulated annealing to be performed per cycle.
INIT_RUNS <default: 50>
Number of MC/SA cycles before initiating checks for convergence.
NUM_TOL <default: 3>
Number of top-scoring cycles with differences in LGFE less than DELTAE_TOLERANCE, before this simulation (run) is considered converged.
DELTAE_TOLERANCE <default: 0.5>
When differences in LGFE of NUM_TOL most-favorable cycles are less than this defined tolerance value, convergence is reached and the program exits
DELTAE_BUFF <default: 10>
Progression of MC+SA from one cycle to next is such that LGFE (of lowest conf) from MC should be less than (prev_min+deltae_buff). This ensures that N cycles are proceeding towards a minimum lower than that previously discovered lowest energy conformation.
TOTE_CRITERIA <default: false>
When true, instead of LGFE, total energy (totE) of the system is used for convergence checks. Useful when running vacuum-phase MC simulations of the ligand.
TOT_RUNS <default: 250>
Maximum number of MC simulation cycles. The program terminates if the
criteria is satisfied before reachingTOT_RUNS
. Alternately, even if theDELTAE_TOLERANCE
criteria is not satisfied when the number of cycles executed reachesTOT_RUNS
, the program terminates.RANDOM_SEED: <default: system-time>
Seed used in MC simulation. When not set, system-time is used as a seed.
Cartesian coordinates of where the MC simulation should be performed.
SIMULATION_RADIUS: <default: 1.0 A>
Radius of the sphere within which MC simulation will be performed.
RANDOM_INIT_ORIENT: <true/false>
When set to
should also be set. The ligand is placed within a sphere of size,SIMULATION_RADIUS
, in a random orientation and a conformationWhen set to
, then the center-of-mass of the ligand is used as the center for the MC simulation. This is useful when the ligand pose in the pocket is well-known.ATOM_TO_RESTRAIN: <atom number in sd/mol2>
When set, a spherical potential is applied to restrained the defined atom within the sphere during MC moves. This enables geometrically restraining a particular pharmacophore feature. Note, when using this feature, supply the full molecule with explicit hydrogens already added. Also, random pocket pose and placement using
true is incompatible.When not set, the entire molecule is free to rotate/move/translate
To be used in conjunction with
option. This value is used to defined the center of the spherical potential.ATOM_RESTRAINT_RADIUS: <default: 1.0 A>
To be used in conjunction with
option. This value is used to defined the radius of the spherical potential. When not defined, then a default of 1 A is used.OUTRMSDFILE <output RMSD file>
This file stores the RMSD and LGFE of the lowest energy conformation from each run of the MC/SA simulation. To be used in conjunction with
set totrue
.CLUSTER_RADIUS <default: 0.6 A>
Used clustering for ligand binding poses.
This file stores representative cluster conformations.
LIGAND_SDF: <ligand sd file>
When ligands are in SD file format, use this option. If no input SD file name is supplied at the command line, this line will be read.
LIGAND_MOL2: <ligand mol2 file>
When ligands are in Mol2 file format, use this option. If no inpu Mol2 file name is supplied at the command line, this line will be read.
SILCSMAP <MapType> <map name>
flags can be defined, with each flag pointing to one file. Standard SILCS FragMaps of the following<MapType>
should be included with the below keywords:EXCL - exclusion map
NCLA - zero map for non-classified ligand atoms
BENC - benzene carbon
PRPC - propane carbon
MEOO - methanol alcohol oxygen
FORN - formamide nitrogen
FORO - formamide oxygen
MAMN - methyl ammonium nitrogen
ACEO - acetate oxygens
AALO - acetaldehyde oxygen
IMINH - imidazole donor nitrogen
IMIN - imidazole acceptor nitrogen
APOLAR - generic non polar : green
HBDON - generic donor: blue
HBACC - generic acceptor: red
OUTMCPDBFILE <output PDB file>
(required)This file stores the lowest energy conformation from each cycle of the MC/SA simulation.
OUTMCLOGFILE <output log file>
This file stores the energy statistics of the lowest energy conformation from each cycle of the MC/SA simulation.
When reading SD files (with one or more molecules), this file(s) stores the lowest energy conformation from each cycle of the MC/SA simulation. Filenames are appended with the name of the ligand(s).
OUTMCLOGFILEPREFIX <output log file(s)>
When reading SD files (with one or more molecules), this file(s) stores the energy statistics of the lowest energy conformation from each run of the MC/SA simulation. Filenames are appended with the name of the ligand(s).
need to be defined and need to point to the right files for SILCS-MC to proceed.Note
Ligand related parameters such as
, need not be manually set. The script1_run_silcsmc_custom
will set these parameters appropriately for each of the ligand defined in theligdir
Binding pocket identification¶
Please contact for more information on this capability.
Excipient design for biologics¶
Please contact for more information on this capability.