SSFEP Using the SilcsBio GUI¶
Please see SSFEP Simulations Using the GUI in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Quickstart for instructions on running SSFEP from the SilcsBio GUI.
SSFEP Using the CLI¶
The following usage details are provided for completeness. We strongly recommend using the SilcsBio GUI to set up, run, and analyze SSFEP calculations.
To perform the SSFEP precomputation simulations, protein coordinates in PDB file format and parent ligand coordinates in Mol2 file format are required. The protein should have termini properly capped, missing loops built or the ends of the missing loops capped, standard atom and residue names, and sequential atom and residue numbering. Using these two files, run the following:
${SILCSBIODIR}/ssfep/1_setup_ssfep prot=<Protein PDB> lig=<Ligand Mol2/SDF>
The setup program internally use the GROMACS utility pdb2gmx
which may have problems processing the protein PDB file. The most
common pdb2gmx
issue involves mismatches between the
expected residue name/atom names in the input PDB and those
defined in the CHARMM force-field.
To fix this problem: Run the pdb2gmx
command manually from
within the 1_setup
directory for a detailed error message.
Please contact for additional assistance.
Following completion of the setup, run 10 MD jobs:
${SILCSBIODIR}/ssfep/2_run_md_ssfep prot=<Protein PDB> lig=<Ligand Mol2/SDF>
This command will submit 10 jobs to the pre-defined queue: 5 for the ligand in water and 5 for the ligand complexed with protein.
Once the precomputation simulations are completed, the
and 2_run_md/2_prot_lig/[1-5]
directories will contain *.1-10.whole.trr
trajectory files. If
these files are not generated, then your simulations are either still
running or have stopped due to a problem. Look into the log files
within these directories for an explanation of the failure.
Ligand Modifications¶
Follow the instructions in Chemical Group Transformations to create modifications to your parent ligand.
Evaluating Binding Affinity Changes¶
Once modifications.txt
has been prepared and the MD simulations
involving the parent ligand are completed, run the following script
to set up a \(\Delta \Delta G\) calculation.
${SILCSBIODIR}/ssfep/3a_setup_modifications prot=<Protein PDB> lig=<Ligand Mol2/SDF File> mod=modifications.txt
This will submit 10 jobs to evaluate all snapshots from the completed MD
simulations of the parent ligand in order to calculate the
change in free energy for every modification specified in your
. Structures of these modifications in Mol2 format
are output as 3_analysis_<modified ligand name entry in
After these jobs complete, you may obtain \(\Delta \Delta G\) for your full list of modifications using:
${SILCSBIODIR}/ssfep/3b_calc_ddG_ssfep mod=modifications.txt
Example output follows: